
0 +
Years Experience

The club has been active for over 50 years.

Cardiff, Swansea, Brecon and Abergavenny are all around a 30 minute drive away or less.

Access is now via a temporary roundabout off the A465 google maps may help.

Brecon Beacons Fishing Spot

Nant Moel our only reservoir is situated just off the A465 near Hirwaun and between the towns of Aberdare and Merthyr Tydfil, just at the foothills of the Brecon Beacons.

Nearest Postcost - CF44 0DJ

This puts us in an ideal spot for easy access from anywhere within the South Wales Valleys and beyond. The closest available postcode is CF44 0DJ.

'2nd Reservoir'

If you head for signs reading 'Llwydcoed crematorium' the Tarmac lane up to the reservoir (2nd reservoir) is on a bend off this road.

Commitee members

Commitee members

Club Secretary Mr Martin Harris

Treasurer Mr Dai Davies (email aadaafishing@gmail.com)

Chairman Mr Allan Draper

Local tackle shops / partners

Local tackle shops / partners

Garry Evans, Whitchurch road, Cardiff

Useful Links

Useful Links

River levels: www.naturalresources.wales/river-levels-online


Club Rules 

1 – Nantmoel, fly fishing only for game fish [no spinning, or any bait fishing are permitted]

2 – All member must sign in and out at all times in the Box to the right of the cabin door and complete the catch and release form even if this is zero. This is a health and safety requirement.

3 – Strictly no static line fishing when using a sinking fly line method.

4 – Two rods are allowed to be made up but only one to be used at a time.

5 – No float tubes to be used on club waters.

6 – Limit of 4 fish to be despatched [Killed] per week – Monday to Sunday. [New week starts on Monday].

7 – Limit of 1 fish to be killed per day. Once your 1fish have been killed, fishing must cease for the day Immediately, i.e. no catch and release after that point.

8 – Limit of 10 [TEN] fish catch and release to be caught in any one day.

9 – All fish must be landed with the aid of a knotless landing net, which must be carried at all times. Please take care to return all fish to the water gently ASAP. Try to unhook in the net with minimal contact using wet hands, any deeply hooked fish should be killed and not returned into the water. All Brown Trout caught must be released:

10 – No rod sharing allowed.

11 – No illegal baits/substances to be used. No ground baiting.

12 –  All anglers fish at their own risk.

13 – All children under the age of sixteen must be accompanied by an adult whilst fishing on any club waters.

14 –  All members must always carry their photo permit when fishing and must produce it when asked by any member, bailiff police officer etc.

15 – All members are strongly advised to purchase a valid EA Rod Licence or risk prosecution.

16 – Boats may only be used by full club members. [ i.e.,) no day ticket holders].

17 – Membership is not transferrable. Membership fees are not refundable.

18 – No alcohol or illegal substance [drugs]to be consumed on club waters. No littering and no fires to be lit. [ Please take your litter home] The water is for domestic use and should not be contaminated.

19 – Both gates must be closed at all times, with the inner gate to the reservoir securely locked when there are no anglers fishing on the water. The last person leaving the reservoir is responsible for locking the gate.

20 –  Any suspicious activity by persons, vehicles etc should be reported to the committee urgently via the contact numbers printed on your permits.

Anything that arises not laid for in these rules shall be laid before the committee whose decision shall be final.

CONSTITUTION Season 2025/26.

[1] The aim of the Association, is to promote the sport of fly fishing for Game Fish and management of suitable Waters.

The Angling Association shall be a non-profit organisation, with any surplus funds used to improve and retain the Associations facilities within their control.

To endeavour where possible to provide and improve its angling facilities for disabled and less able-bodied persons.

[2] The affairs of the Association shall be transacted by an elected committee of at least 

5 members and not more than 12, to be Nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting or co-opted with the committee’s acceptance.

The Administration and Financial Management shall be implemented by an Executive body as follows.

Hon Chairman, Hon Secretary and Hon Treasurer.

The Quorum of 3 for Committee meetings will be observed, with committee meetings to be called at the discretion of the executive officers.

[3] Membership: Full ordinary membership, Junior members, Life members, Family membership, Day tickets and Half season tickets. Day tickets will be of an 8-hour period from 8am or for any period that will end 30 minutes before dusk. A member can invite one angler for a day’s fishing, this session should not start before 8 am, as per above rule. The catch rate is governed by the full members catch and release rule, with the kill rate to be shared, fishing must stop once 1 fished is killed.

Membership fees will be decided at the AGM.

The treasurer shall authorise payments to the Officers and Bailiffs for carrying out their role, on receipt of payments. 

The Officers and Bailiffs shall automatically receive membership Free of charge.

AGM will be Annually, at a date and time to be agreed by Committee. Notification of the date of the AGM will be on the Website.

[4] All members will be bound by the Rules of the Association which will be periodically appraised and kept up to date.

Any members in breach of these Rules or Ungentlemanly conduct, will, if need be, requested to attend a meeting with a Disciplinary Panel after receiving a written list of complaints and witness statements. The member will have the right to have an advocate and any witness to attend and take part of the hearing also the right of appeal to a special Committee meeting.  The committee decision will be final, any member found to be in breach of the Rules will be liable to expulsion.

[5] All financial transactions involving the Associations expenditure, will have two authorised signatures that have been registered with the Bank account.

TRUSTEES: Will be appointed at the discretion of the Committee, the membership will be advised of the appointment via the Website and on a Noticeboard.

[6] During the season, members wishing to bring any matters, complaints etc must do so in writing to the Executive Body. With complaint details, witnesses signed statements, where applicable.

Any matters that you want to raise in the AGM, should be put in writing and handed into the Executive committee at least Two Weeks before the AGM, if it is to be considered it will be put on the Agenda for Discussion.

An extra-ordinary Meeting may be called by Committee or by a written request by containing the signatures of one third of the entire membership, for the said meeting to take place. [It would be expected that all the signatories would attend].


Clause: A:

If the Club committee determines that it is necessary or appropriate to be dissolved, it shall convene a meeting of the members; not less than 21days notice of the meeting. [Stating the terms of the proposed resolution] Shall be given.

Clause: B:

If the proposal by the committee is confirmed by two thirds majority of those present at the meeting convened under clause A[above]. The committee will have the power to donate of any assets held by or on behalf of the Association, to a suitable Charity within the Flyfishing Angling Fraternity that encourages the Promotion of Flyfishing for Game fishing only.


Alteration to the Constitution maybe made by resolution passed by not less than two thirds of those present and voting at a General Meeting, providing due notice of the meeting, and resolution, is given as is mentioned in clause [6].

N.B. No amendment to the Constitution may be made if the effect be that the Association would cease to fulfil its obligation and original intention to promote the sport of flyfishing for game fishing only.


 David Davies.                                                                 Alan Draper.


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